Head and face protection are essential for the care and protection of the face, sight, and head of the worker. Its main function is the protection against blows of a mechanic nature, to cover the head against objects in free fall or collapses, as well as the impact of metallic chips, blows, violent projection of objects, electrical contact, incandescent light, among others.

Helmets and masks are products aimed at protecting the face and the head in general. These are practical, comfortable, and high quality equipment with the adequate level of protection and safety. Most are designed to be compatible with spare parts and accessories as additional complements.

Equipos complementarios destinados a la protección de la cabeza, rostro y cara, prácticos, cómodos y de excelente calidad, que ayudan al mejor funcionamiento con el adecuado nivel de protección y seguridad. Diseñados para ser compatibles con accesorios y complementos adicionales.